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Kristin Nelson, Ph.D.


克里斯汀·纳尔逊(Kristin Nelson)是教师教育部门的教授和主任.

She earned her B.A. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, her M.A. from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and her Ph.D. from the University of Utah-Salt Lake City. 她将学术精力集中在K-12扫盲主题上,并在期刊上发表了她的研究成果 Reading ImprovementReading PsychologyReading & Writing Quarterly and Journal of Literacy Research. 克里斯汀在公立学校担任高中英语教师也有丰富的经验, an English Language Learners teacher, and an elementary-level literacy coach. 她相信教学是最有价值和最具挑战性的职业选择之一,每个孩子都应该得到知识渊博、充满爱心的老师. 当她不忙于招募优秀的教师时, Kristin loves to travel, attend Broadway shows, play tennis, read, and spend time with her family and dog, Finley, a West Highland White Terrier.

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